

Internet Partners, Inc. is...

one of the leading Internet Service Providers in the Portland metro area and is primarily focused on high-bandwidth commercial Internet users, complex multi-site WAN servicing, and dialup Internet access. Specializing in reliable high-speed direct connections, Internet Partners seeks to provide the best possible Internet solutions, service and support.

           Internet Partners was formed as part of a strategic alliance with Compatible Computers, who provides seminars and intensive training courses on the Internet, including WWW design.

           Compatible Computers also specializes in computer integration, network administration, graphic art and web site design. With our solid base of technical experience, practical business sense, and personal integrity, Internet Partners will continue to provide the highest quality access in the area. Internet Partners currently services locations thought the Portland/Vancouver Metro area. Internet Partners expanded its service area to include Central Oregon, and the Northern Oregon Coast.

           We differ from other Portland providers in a number of ways, including: Internet Partners guarantees no more than 10 users per modem - to eliminate busy signals. Internet Partners does not "share" or over-sell our infrastructure as do some providers. Internet Partners owns and manages all our own equipment - you will never be caught in a circus of the ISP blaming an outsourcing agency for any connection difficulties you may have. Internet Partners will not deliver degraded performance to our customers as a solution to insufficient capital investment. Internet Partners connects directly at multi-megabit speeds to multiple Tier 1 backbone providers. Internet Partners provides professional business communications. We operate our equipment and network 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We continuously monitor our equipment and communication lines to detect any faults. Internet Partners is committed to bringing the best and latest technologies to the market at the earliest possible time. And lastly, it never takes long to get a real human being on the phone for help!

          Interested in taking a look at our Network Operations Center (NOC)? Click here to view photos and learn more about where we store our own and our clients' hardware.


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